Mon Jun 4 '18 Announcement
over 6 years ago
– Mon, Jun 04, 2018 at 09:47:29 AM
Pre-orders will be available for another 2-3 weeks. The production has started on the plush. We anticipate them taking June-July to complete, and will be just bit delayed and arrive sometime in August. No, the pre-orders are not the cause of this. All pre-orders are coming OUT of the inventory we have already ordered.
We wanted to ensure all prototypes were still matching the originals, so remaking the prototypes just took an extra week or two than originally expected. But everything is purchased, on track, and will be arriving later this year. Once pre-orders close in mid June, you will NOT be able to get these online, at all. They will come in, online orders will be fulfilled, and then the rest will go to cons.
Thu Apr 26 '18 Announcement
over 6 years ago
– Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 11:47:24 AM
All 320 surveys have been officially sent. We are only waiting on 22 responses. If you have not received your survey, check your spam, and make sure you are checking the CORRECT EMAIL since sometimes we see people emailing us from emails that differ from the ones they used when they placed their order.
The pre-order store is still open if you'd like to add any or make changes and will only be available until late May or early June.
Sun Apr 15 '18 Announcement
over 6 years ago
– Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 06:26:42 PM
1) Surveys do NOT matter for the immediate future. Right now they are just getting patterns around, ordering materials and thread, etc. You will not be sent a random plush. We are ordering well over what we'd need for any category. You will receive the plush you want.
2) Backer Kit had an issue importing data. You can see we had 308 backers for the Indiegogo, Backer Kit reported 209 to us. There is no way for us to know who did and did not get a survey unless we went through all 300+ individuals. Once Backer Kit assists us at some point this work week (remember, most places are closed on the weekend) then we'll have the issue resolved.
3) We are not replying to emails regarding surveys as we are updating everyone who had a question about it here. We are aware they are missing, and we're just waiting for Backer Kit to fix the glitch in their system. Once it is fixed, the remaining 99 surveys will go out.
4) You are not in danger of not receiving what you want from the campaign. That is not how we operate. That is not how campaigns work. You will receive what you want. Give Backer Kit time to make things right, and fix the data importing issue. Everything will be fine, and you'll all have your giant kittens soon.
Please do not be bitter, angry, or hostile in the comment area over an issue we cannot control, and over an issue I am certain Backer Kit has a solution for, it is needless display of negativity and we don't want anyone feeling that type of energy over our products. It is, at most, causing an additional 5-7 day delay and when the products have yet to even begin manufacturing it's a non issue at this time.
We understand your frustration, we understand your worry that you won't receive your item, but the fact is if you have been charged you're getting your plush, period. Everyone from the Kickstarter did, and you will as well. Please remain patient and rest assured that the survey is NOT as big of a deal as you are worried it is. We will have plenty of plush. But let's not take something we create to make people feel GOOD and POSITIVE and turn it into a negative situation.
This will be the final update on surveys until we hear back from Backer Kit on how to resolve the issue.
We always take care of our customers and this campaign is no different. Trust the process, trust Backer Kit to handle the issue. Thanks all!
Sat Apr 14 '18 Announcement
over 6 years ago
– Sat, Apr 14, 2018 at 04:32:37 PM
We're looking at around 100 pledges that have not correctly imported from indiegogo to backer kit. We're awaiting their reply. If you've already emailed us regarding your survey, please see the updates for a general reply once we've heard back on their issue. We will not be able emailing everyone to individually since we're traveling.
There is a plenty of time to fill the survey out. There is a no rush. You won't miss out on anything even if you don't fill it out out up until shipment. We have plenty coming in.
Sat Apr 14 '18 Announcement
over 6 years ago
– Sat, Apr 14, 2018 at 03:09:13 PM
We're receiving quite a few emails regarding surveys not being received. Only 30 or so surveys remain unanswered, with all others answered. So they've all been sent and are in your emails.
Please check your email, your spam, and you'll find it. Please also ensure your Indiegogo account has your correct email address. The surveys have been sent to the email you have on file with Indiegogo. If you need to change your email, do so and on the next round of surveys (we resend every few days) you'll receive yours.
If you submitted a pre order you selected your items at checkout. You do not receive a survey for a pre order.
Refer to Backer kits FAQ section on their website for information regarding changing your address for surveys and pre orders. We are traveling for the next week and will be unable to reliably reply to emails regarding these questions. So please check the backer kit website first.